
Hagrid Order Of The Phoenix

The Hogwarts gamekeeper as well every bit Harry's friend and confidante. Hagrid is gone for the first few months of the school year and nobody knows where he is. When he returns, hobbling, bleeding, and missing teeth, he explains that he and Madame Maxime went to the giants on Dumbledore's orders and attempted to invite them to bring together Dumbledore in fighting Voldemort. Considering Hagrid is half-giant, Umbridge dislikes him immediately. Though Hagrid's questionable instruction methods and his adoration of unsafe creatures make for more than enough fodder for Umbridge to burn him as the Care of Magical Creatures professor, they also get off on the wrong foot because of Umbridge's obvious racism, as she speaks to Hagrid as though he barely speaks English language. Throughout the schoolhouse yr, Hagrid continues to learn injuries and refuses to tell Harry, Ron, and Hermione where he'due south getting them, but cryptically talking nigh the importance of family. During the final Quidditch match, he explains what'southward going on to Harry and Hermione: he brought back his giant half-brother, Grawp, and has been trying to teach the violent immature giant English with little success. Hagrid asks the trio to expect after Grawp when Umbridge inevitably fires him. Umbridge's attempt to fire Hagrid is horrific, equally she goes to his hut at nighttime with Aurors and starts a fight with Hagrid. Hagrid escapes with Fang and doesn't render.

Hagrid Quotes in Harry Potter and the Club of the Phoenix

The Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix quotes below are all either spoken by Hagrid or refer to Hagrid. For each quote, you can as well encounter the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated past its own dot and icon, like this one:

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon


A great wave of relief bankrupt over Harry. Hither at terminal was proof that he had not imagined these creatures, that they were existent: Hagrid knew near them likewise. He looked eagerly at Ron, but Ron was nonetheless staring effectually into the trees and after a few seconds he whispered, "Why doesn't Hagrid telephone call once more?"

Page Number: 445

Caption and Analysis:

"Herd?" said Lavender in a confused voice, and Harry knew she was thinking of cows. "What—oh!" Comprehension dawned on her face. "In that location are more than of you?" she said, stunned.

"Did Hagrid breed yous, similar the thestrals?" asked Dean eagerly.

Firenze turned his head very slowly to face Dean, who seemed to realize at once that he had said something very offensive.

"I didn't—I meant—deplorable," he finished in a hushed voice.

"Centaurs are not the servants or playthings of humans," said Firenze quietly.

Page Number: 601-02

Explanation and Assay:

Hagrid Graphic symbol Timeline in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The timeline below shows where the grapheme Hagrid appears in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

War: Excitement vs. The Mundane Theme Icon

...stomach lurches when he sees Alice and Frank Longbottom, Neville's parents. Moody points out Lupin, Hagrid, Sirius, James, Lily, and Wormtail. Harry tries to smile but excuses himself, feeling upset past... (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

...carries Hedwig's cage for Harry and Harry is concerned when he sees Professor Grubbly-Plank, not Hagrid, preparing to take the first years across the lake. Lonely, Harry moves to the horseless... (full context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

Harry wonders if he and Luna are hallucinating. He joins in the conversation about Hagrid'due south absence and then silently wonders what's going on if Ron can't see the horses. Harry... (full context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

...classwork, and as Harry moves to pick a bowtruckle, he tries to inquire Grubbly-Plank about Hagrid. She refuses to reply, and Malfoy smirks that Hagrid might exist injured by something "besides... (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

Hermione assures Harry that Dumbledore would've said something if Hagrid was in trouble. Malfoy makes more mean comments about Hagrid and Harry follows Ron and... (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

...composing a letter to Sirius that seems innocuous, but subtly mentions his scar hurting and Hagrid'southward absenteeism. Harry walks upwardly to the Owlery and sends Hedwig off. He looks out and... (full context) forming a individual ground forces to accept on the Ministry. He as well says that while Hagrid is late returning from his mission, Dumbledore isn't worried. (full context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Umbridge inspects Grubbly-Plank that afternoon and asks questions about Hagrid'southward absence. Grubbly-Plank refuses to answer, only says that Dumbledore is a supportive boss. Umbridge asks... (total context)

...responsibility for letting the vocal go to him. Hermione, standing at the window, says that Hagrid is dwelling house. (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

...Ron, and Hermione bundle up and cover themselves in the Invisibility Cloak to walk to Hagrid's. They laissez passer Nearly Headless Nick humming "Weasley is our King" and shuffle through the snow.... (full context)

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

War: Excitement vs. The Mundane Theme Icon

Hagrid sighs and says that he and Madame Maxime set off after school ended the previous... (full context)

The next day, Hagrid and Maxime gave Karkus a goblin-fabricated battle helmet and Karkus seemed interested in Dumbledore's message.... (full context)

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

Before Hagrid tin try to explain his injuries, someone knocks on the door. Harry sees Umbridge'south shadow,... (full context) gone, Harry, Ron, and Hermione throw off the cloak and Hermione tries to convince Hagrid to testify them irksome creatures in class that won't offend Umbridge. He happily refuses and... (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Hermione goes dorsum to Hagrid's the side by side morning while Harry and Ron exercise homework. She returns before lunch and says... (full context)

Hagrid greets his class at the border of the forest, carrying half of a cow carcass,... (full context)

Parvati insists that thestrals are unlucky, but Hagrid says they're useful and clever. Hermione raises her hand and says that the only people... (full context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

Umbridge announces and mimes that she's going to speak to students about Hagrid while Hagrid teaches. Pansy Parkinson tells Umbridge loudly that Hagrid'due south spoken language sounds similar grunting, while... (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

War: Excitement vs. The Mundane Theme Icon

Ron hails downwardly Hagrid, who has new cuts and bruises. Hagrid mumbles that he'due south on probation and trudges off.... (total context) supervises all of Harry'due south Divination and Care of Magical Creatures lessons. Both Trelawney and Hagrid seem nervous and jumpy, and Hagrid forbids the trio from visiting him. The only thing... (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

In the Iii Broomsticks, Harry runs into Hagrid. Hagrid morosely says that both of them are outsiders and orphans, and he says that... (full context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

...class and notes that he's no longer welcome in the Forbidden Wood. Dean asks if Hagrid breeds centaurs, but Firenze quietly and seriously says that centaurs aren't "playthings of humans." He... (full context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

...bell rings, Firenze asks Harry to stay behind and tells him to pass on to Hagrid that his "endeavour" isn't working. When Harry passes on Firenze'due south message, Hagrid seems offended. (full context)

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

...doing well. Harry pretends to written report and dwells on what he saw in the Pensieve. Hagrid and Sirius take ever told Harry that James was wonderful, but he can't imagine ever... (total context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

...sing "Weasley is our Male monarch" equally the match starts and the Slytherins score almost immediately. Hagrid appears behind Harry and asks him and Hermione to come with him, acting secretive. Looking... (total context)

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

After a while, Hagrid stops. He tells Harry and Hermione that he's going to exist fired any twenty-four hour period at present,... (full context)

Hagrid says that he needs Harry, Hermione, and Ron to come up and talk to Grawp and... (full context)

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

Hagrid stops of a sudden as two centaurs, Magorian and Blight, footstep out of the trees. They accuse... (total context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

...give-and-take and someone put some other niffler in Umbridge'southward part. She points out that Umbridge thinks Hagrid is doing it, and Umbridge won't care that Hagrid has an alibi. On Monday, they... (total context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

...Harry works, he notices several figures, including Umbridge, exiting the front doors. They become to Hagrid'south hut and Hagrid lets them in. Harry pretends to concentrate every bit he hears a roar... (full context)

The Purpose of Education Theme Icon

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ernie angrily hash out what happened to Hagrid and McGonagall. In the common room, they larn that Lee Jordan is responsible for the... (full context)

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

...out of the school, Umbridge on their heels. Umbridge asks if the weapon is in Hagrid's hut, and so reasons that because he'southward a "one-half-breed oaf," he'd fix information technology off. Hermione... (total context)

Choices, Family, and Love Theme Icon

Prejudice and Discrimination Theme Icon

...around some trees, notices Hermione, and asks where "Hagger" is. Hermione realizes he's looking for Hagrid and tries to tell him she doesn't know. As Grawp reaches for Hermione and hits... (full context)

...Portkey. He and so turns to Fudge and tells him to remove Umbridge and stop pursuing Hagrid. Dumbledore offers to stay with Fudge for 30 minutes to explicate what happened, and so... (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

...Ron squabble about the existence of real prophecies, Harry nervously excuses himself to go see Hagrid. He hasn't shared what he learned in the prophecy. (full context)

Trauma, Silence, and Speech Theme Icon

Harry and Hagrid have an awkward cup of dandelion juice. Hagrid tries to say that Sirius would've wanted... (full context)


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