
What Percent Of Wealth Is Controlled By Jews

Criminal proceeds
recovered from a mass Israeli-run fraud ring by French law, 2020.

"Well-nigh of the Jews are thieves." Thus said the founding begetter of Israel, David Ben Gurion, when he heard about Jewish soldiers carrying Western farsi rugs from freshly looted Arab properties during the Arab-Israeli war. If he were effectually today, I don't think Ben Gurion would find any reason to radically change his opinion, and he probably wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel has get a hub of international fraud. A recent hit for Netflix is the documentary The Tinder Swindler, which charts the outlandish career of Israeli con artist Shimon Hayut, the son of a rabbi, who manipulated a large number of predominantly Scandinavian women into collectively handing over more than $x 1000000. Hayut's modus operandi is that old favorite of Jewish white-collar criminals — the Ponzi scheme, though Hayut inflected it with a romantic twist. Using the alias Simon Leviev on the dating app Tinder, Hayut told his gullible victims that he was the son of Lev Leviev, CEO of one of the world's largest diamond traders. He would initially lavish the women with gifts and trips on private jets (funded by a previous victim), earlier introducing the idea that he was under threat from unspecified enemies, that his financial accounts had been inexplicably locked, and that he needed "loans" from the women that he would repay many times over when an "imminent deal" worth many millions was completed. The women were pressured into requesting, so extending, bank loans in their own names, often until they were as much every bit $300,000 in debt. In one case Hayut had extracted the maximum possible funds from a adult female, he would brainstorm using some of it to groom a new victim. Moving from adult female to woman, and country to country, Hayut lived a lifestyle of private jets, international travel, caviar, and designer apparel until a Norwegian newspaper finally helped secure his arrest in Hellenic republic in 2019 for using a fake passport. He was then sent to Israel, where authorities released him subsequently only 5 months. He remains a free human being in Israel, and appears equally wealthy as ever.

While the now-viral Netflix documentary is very interesting and well-fabricated, information technology does a very poor task of contextualizing and framing Hayut's behavior. Hayut's career of fraud is presented solely in terms of the perils of online dating, and, ludicrously, equally a kind of feminist revenge tale (despite the fact the women fell into Hayut's clutches in part through their own thirst for a lavish lifestyle, and the final justice served on Hayut was ridiculously weak to say the to the lowest degree). Very little is made of the fact Hayut began his career in fraud equally a teenager, sparking questions of cultural influence, and at that place is no annotate at all on the peculiar manner in which Hayut seemed to target Scandinavian women in particular. But the more egregious oversight is surely that Hayut fits incredibly well into a design that is absurdly mutual — the ubiquity of Israeli con artists of international accomplish, and their addiction of finding a very accommodative justice system in the Israel.

An Israeli Specialty

International fraud of all kinds is an Israeli specialty. Israel'south Money Laundering and Terror Financing Prohibition Authority receives frequent requests for information from financial intelligence units in at least 19 countries around the world. The master crimes that are the focal point of these requests are "money laundering, fraud, particularly investment scams, binary options and forex scams, bribery and abuse, forgery and illegal gambling." If there is a way for someone to be parted from their money, you can exist certain there is an Israeli working very hard to reach it.

In June 2021, an operation led past High german police secured the arrest of 10 Jews of diverse nationalities for operating imitation investment sites that defrauded European investors of effectually $36 million. In a fraud scheme that Europol said was "organized mainly past Israeli nationals," the criminals operated the false investment sites Tradorax, Tradervc, Kayafx, Kontofx and Libramarkets. Tradorax used the platform supplied by Israel's SpotOption, which was charged with fraud by the US Securities and Exchange Commission in April 2021. Co-ordinate to Europol, the Jewish network lured thousands of victims through advertizing on social media and search engines. These victims were so encouraged to invest in high-take chances options, CFDs or cryptocurrencies. However, according to German police, the money was never actually invested simply only taken past the Jews involved. During raids in several countries, police seized electronic devices, real estate, jewelry, high-finish vehicles and approximately $two.iv million in cash.

The case was reminiscent of the story of the Canadian-Israeli Cartu brothers. In May 2020, the Ontario Securities Commission brought civil charges confronting David, Jonathan, and Joshua Cartu for soliciting Canadians to trade binary options. The trio scammed residents of Ontario lone out of $one.4 million, but the total value of their globally-operated scheme was estimated at $233 million. The brothers live lavishly today in State of israel, safe in the noesis that "Israeli prosecutors accept notwithstanding to indict a single binary options suspect on charges of fraud." The Times of State of israel points out that the brothers' story is only part of a much wider scenario in which "hundreds of companies in Israel employed thousands of Israelis who allegedly fleeced billions out of victims worldwide."

8 Israelis arrested in the Philippines in 2018 for operating a multi-million dollar scam

Five months ago, 26 Israelis were arrested for running a cryptocurrency fraud scheme that targeted Us investors. The suspects, known as the 'Wolves of Tel Aviv,' were said to be marketing products and investments, without providing returns, and keeping the victims' money. According to a police statement, "all of the 26 suspects of the alleged fraud are residents of Israel, and the victims all live away." The Israeli news station i24News commented that "Israel has been a major hub of online fraud in recent years." A calendar month after the arrest of the 'Wolves of Tel Aviv,' a further eight Israelis were arrested, including Moshe Hogeg, who owns the Beitar Jerusalem soccer club. Israeli police force said the group were detained on suspicion of "of cryptocurrency fraud of as much as hundreds of millions of U.South. dollars."

A Criminals' Paradise

A poor history of complying with extradition requests together with generous tax breaks for millionaires has resulted in Israel, and Tel Aviv in particular, being perceived as a criminals' paradise. Remarking on Israel's "massive fraudulent online and scam industry" and its potential to "undermine Israel's economic reputation and stoke anti-Semitism," the Times of State of israel pointed out that a 2008 slice of legislation had acted as a "a nudge and a wink to would-be taxation evaders and money launderers worldwide to settle in Israel and launder their money hither." The police force grants a 10-year taxation exemption on income earned abroad to olim hadashim (new immigrants) likewise as toshavim hozrim vatikim (returning residents who take lived abroad for at least ten years) and other eligible new residents. Information technology also gives a ten-year exemption on reporting earnings away to people in these categories. It'southward a magnet for Jewish thieves.

Last week, plastic surgeon David Morrow and his wife Linda, dubbed "The Jewish Bonnie and Clyde," faced the American justice system 2 years afterwards it was discovered the pair had been operating 1 of the well-nigh extensive and sickening health care frauds in California history. In total, the Morrows are idea to have toll insurance companies betwixt $25 million and $65 meg for procedures that were medically unnecessary. Co-ordinate to the Jerusalem Postal service,

They were active and highly respected members of the Orthodox Jewish communities in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and Palm Springs and very generous contributors to Jewish causes. … They were arrested in California on charges of cheating health insurance companies of more than "tens of millions of dollars for cosmetic procedures that were non medically necessary," co-ordinate to the US Attorney'southward Central Commune of California part of the Department of Justice. Add to that a guilty plea of conspiring to commit mail fraud and filing a simulated revenue enhancement return, Dr. Morrow was in huge trouble. He was sentenced in absentia to 20 years in federal prison and had his medical license revoked. In her ruling, Judge Josephine Fifty. Staton noted that Morrow'south "greed knew no bounds," and that he showed an "utter disregard for patients' well-existence and rubber."

The pair were sentenced in absentia because they quickly liquidated their assets and moved to State of israel where they could be among their co-ethnics and non have their wealth probed or questioned. According to locals in Israel, before the FBI finally orchestrated a rare extradition (for Linda — David is however fighting the case from an Israeli prison) "they were very active in the congregation, went to shiurim (classes) and synagogue functions."

In 2017, the Times of Israel commented on the arrest of "35 individuals for allegedly running a network of scam boiler rooms." The gang operated secret call centers within residential apartments in the cities of Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Netanya, defrauding people in Europe and North America with a variety of different scams. 1 method was the CEO scam, where the fraudsters impersonated senior executives in a European company and persuaded employees to wire money to the Jews' Israeli bank accounts. Other employees called companies in Europe selling appurtenances and services that never materialized. A regime prosecutor worried that "The phenomenon has become a national scourge in both State of israel and abroad. It is causing damage to the reputation of the land of Israel besides as to Jews in other countries." The Times of Israel remarked that many of those arrested were Jews from America and France, and that they were assisted past "thousands of Israelis."

The nearly prominent example, of course, is the so-called "sting of the century," in which over 1 billion euros was stolen via a taxation scam betwixt Nov 2008 and June 2009 from the French government. The theft was carried out by French Jews Arnaud Mimran, Marco Mouly, and Samy Souied from a Tel Aviv office. The trio were assisted by a pregnant number of co-ethnics, with the Times of State of israel reporting that "half-dozen of the defendants were tried in absentia and are believed to be living in Israel." In a May 2016 interview with the Times of Israel, Laurent Combourieu, manager of investigations for the the Autoritй des marchйs financiers (AMF), France's securities authority, said that there is overlap betwixt the French-Israeli citizens who were involved in tax fraud carried out confronting the French authorities from Israel, and the perpetrators of the ongoing wave of online trading fraud targeting French speakers. In the past vi years, according to the Paris prosecutor, French citizens had lost 4.five billion euros to online trading and CEO scams, with many of these perpetrated from State of israel.

That Israel is a hub for Jewish international misdeed is further indicated past a random sampling of the bank accounts of new immigrants who had moved to Israel between 2008–2012, carried out by the Israeli state comptroller. Information technology was found that "one in vi were found to accept irregular activeness that acquired the bank to flag them for suspected money laundering." In 2013, the OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes pressured Israel to cancel the exemption from filing tax returns past new immigrants and veteran returning residents, in an effort to remove what many saw as a clear incentive to international criminality. Israel agreed to modify their legislation in May of that year, but almost 9 years later it has yet to do so. In the International Narcotics Command Strategy Report (INCSR) issued by the U.S. State Department, Israel is discussed as a "a major money-laundering country." The report adds that

State of israel's 'right of return' citizenship laws hateful that criminal figures find information technology piece of cake to obtain an Israeli passport without coming together long residence requirements. It is non uncommon for criminal figures suspected of money laundering to hold passports in a habitation country, a third country for business, and Israel.

Some Considerations

Writing in Mein Kampf, Hitler argued during a discussion of Zionism that "What [Jews] actually are aiming at is to institute a fundamental organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by whatever of the other States. Therefore it can serve equally a refuge for swindlers who accept been constitute out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers." All things considered, this is plain a very prescient annotate that has an undeniable band of truth in light of the facts presented above. Far from existence an case of fortune-telling, however, the prediction rests on what would today be regarded every bit sure anti-Semitic assumptions based on stereotypical traits associated with Jews.

The beginning of these assumptions is that Jews have a special relationship with, or involvement in, money. Assuming an ethnic grouping has a special relationship with, or interest in, coin would obviously pb ane to predict a number of things. The group might be, on average, wealthier than other groups. It might produce more billionaires. Its criminality might also exist reflected less in fierce offences than in those most directly correlated with the acquisition of wealth. By most metrics, Jews are indeed wealthier than other groups. In regards to crime, there is also a clear skewing towards wealth conquering. In 1971 A. Menachem of the Berkeley School of Criminology published a study in Issues in Criminology titled "Misdeed Amidst Jews: An Overview."[1] In this report, Menachem argued that 'the Jewish crime rate tends to be higher than that of non-Jews and other religious groups for white-collar offenses, that is, commercial or commercially related crimes, such equally fraud, fraudulent defalcation, and embezzlement."

In 1988, Yale University'south Stanton Wheeler published "White-Collar Crimes and Criminals" for the Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository. Among Wheeler's findings were that while Protestants and Catholics were under-represented among white-collar criminals relative to their share of the population, Jews were over-represented to a very big degree (2 percentage of the population, 15.2 percent of white-collar convictions). Wheeler states that "It would be a fair summary of our data to say that, demographically speaking, white-collar offenders are predominantly middle-aged white males with an over-representation of Jews." While Stanton'due south statistics are enlightening in themselves, a more detailed flick emerges in David Weisburd's Yale-published Crimes of the Middle Classes: White-Collar Offenders in the Federal Courts (1991). Here Weisburd informs us that although Jews comprise just around two percent of the United states population, they contribute at least 9 percent of lower category white-collar crimes (depository financial institution embezzlement, revenue enhancement fraud and bank fraud), at least 15 percent of moderate category white-collar crimes (mail fraud, simulated claims, and bribery), and at least 33 percent of high category white-collar crimes (antitrust and securities fraud). Weisburg's updated data showed that overall, Jews were responsible for an astonishing 23.9 percent of fiscal crime in America.[2] Given the statistical data, not to mention the well-charted historical trajectory of Jewish financial behavior,[three] the statement that a Jewish predilection for fiscal misdeeds is a mere "canard" is unsustainable.

Desiring to acquire wealth, and actually acquiring it either legitimately or illegally, are obviously 2 different things. Jews are equipped for wealth acquisition, including criminal wealth acquisition, through the same background traits that facilitate their efficiency in social and political activism: ethnocentrism, intelligence, psychological intensity, and assailment.[4]

Ethnocentrism clearly plays a big function in international Jewish scams based in State of israel. Many of these large-scale frauds are perpetrated by groups consisting of Americans, Bulgarians, Canadians, Romanians, Italians, and so on, whose only substantial common ground is their shared ethno-religious groundwork. Criminal activity is inherently risky, so the level of trust amidst individuals from such varied national groups is all the more than amazing. Coupled with the almost exclusive targeting of outgroups (U.S. citizens, Canadians, Europeans, and others), the clannish quality of these Jewish groups drawn from the diaspora and based in Israel emphasizes the forcefulness of Jewish ethnocentrism equally a foundational base for Israeli international financial crime. In a further demonstration of Jewish ethnocentrism, or trust in 1'south co-ethnics, the flying of many international Israeli swindlers to Israel, or their "disappearance" in the state, suggests a level of condolement and expectation from other Jews. Jews who take defrauded outgroups really do wait the government and state of State of israel to be their refuge, and very often, through lenient sentences or lack of investigation, they are proved correct in having that expectation.

Intelligence is also key to the success and perpetuation of Israeli-based international fraud. Many of the schemes discussed higher up are relatively complex, requiring high levels of understanding of international financial markets, banking practices, legal loopholes, differing national standards and legislation, web and software design, search engine optimization, and all of the skills associated with money laundering. As mentioned above, Israelis are responsible for some of the biggest thefts in the financial history of several nations, often involving government-level fraud. These frauds have been executed thanks to the input of large numbers of highly intelligent and multi-skilled Jews who dedicated themselves to the criminal acquisition of wealth.

This extreme dedication to wealth acquisition is manifestly driven by pregnant psychological intensity. In many cases, the frauds required an boggling level of audacity, e.grand., involving the impersonation of major CEOs or even government figures. In one such example, in 2019 an Israeli scam functioning obtained effectually $ninety million after impersonating French foreign minister Jean-Yves le Drian, calling African heads of country, ambassadors, clergy and business figures, and request them to assist France pay ransom for French citizens abducted by ISIL or other terrorist groups in Syrian arab republic. The impersonator donned a custom-designed silicone mask of the French government minister'southward head and spoke to his targets via Skype from an office decorated with the French flag and a portrait of French Prime Government minister Emanuel Macron. The four ringleaders were eventually arrested in Netanya, which seems to be second only to Tel Aviv in the number of international scams it has hosted. The French were sufficiently incensed for an Israeli police officer to tell a local judge that ""This is a case with international diplomatic repercussions. This is not an ordinary case just one with great international sensitivities that has acquired a diplomatic incident between our 2 countries." The Times of Israel laments that "An Cyberspace search for 'scam' and 'State of israel' in French yields hundreds of articles, many of which are accompanied by anti-Semitic slurs in the comments section. … Despite the damage such fraudulent activities are doing to Israel's reputation, Israeli law enforcement has made very few arrests and prosecuted fifty-fifty fewer suspects in the decade or more since the miracle first arose."

Finally, Israeli international financial crime requires aggression. An interesting aspect of The Tinder Swindler involved the manner in which Shimon Hayut dropped the veil in one case he realized a particular adult female had given him all the money she could or would. Threats and insults were immediate. The fundamental drive backside most of the discussed Jewish International scams is aggressive, involving forms of coercion and manipulation against a properties of draconian disregard and disdain for the targeted outgroups. These aggressive aspects, of course, only highlight those instances in which some of the ill-gotten proceeds, as in the instance of the Morrows for example, generously find their mode to Jewish charitable causes — which brings united states of america total circumvolve to ethnocentrism.

The concern shown past the Israeli printing, and some government officials, that such activeness will pb to an increase in anti-Semitism is based for the most part on the implicit agreement that "anti-Semitic" assumptions about the traits associated with Jews (special interest in money, ethnocentrism, intelligence, psychological intensity, and assailment) accept a basis in fact. Such concerns besides imply the fearfulness that wider knowledge or discussion of these large-scale frauds based in Israel will undo many decades of propaganda that has convinced outgroups that such assumptions are false or narrow-minded, and that Israel is a natural friend and marry to Western nations. The reality is that State of israel is happy to welcome internationally looted funds into its economic system, and cares little for the stance of other nations. The nation's founder wouldn't be surprised.

[1] A. Menachem, "Criminality Amongst Jews: An Overview," Issues in Criminality, Book 6, Consequence 2, (Summer 1971), ane-39.

[2] D. Weisburg, Crimes of the Eye Classes: White-Collar Offenders in the Federal Courts (Yale Academy Printing, 1991), 72

[three] For example, beyond Europe, between 1881 and 1914, Jews were over-represented in bankruptcy, forgery, fraud and libel. See P. Knepper, The Invention of International Criminal offense: A Global Issue in the Making, 1881-1914, (Palgrave MacMillan, 2010), 80. The trend, of course, went much further back in history.

[four] K. MacDonald, "Background Traits for Jewish Activism," The Occidental Quarterly: A Periodical of Western Thought and Stance (Summertime 2003): 1-37.

What Percent Of Wealth Is Controlled By Jews,


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